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By Staff Writer In a communique to the President of Sri Lanka, three Special Rapporteurs of the United Nations Human Rights Council have expressed their dissatisfaction with the proposed social media regulation law, the Online Safety Bill (OSB) and another media related law, Broadcasting Regulatory Commission Bill (BRC). The communication is

By Robert Stevens The proposed definition is deeply authoritarian, providing a pretext for the suppression of virtually any form of political opposition and eviscerating the rights to free speech and political association. The British government is broadening its definition of “extremism”. On Sunday, the Observer revealed that Communities Secretary Michael Gove is close to

REVENUE PROTECTION ACT NO.19 OF 1962  Download pdf AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC REVENUE OF SRI LANKA. Act Nos, 19 of 1962  [26th May 1962 ] Short title. This Act may be cited as the Revenue Protection Act. Power of Minister to make Revenue Protection Orders. 2.(1) Where the Cabinet