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World Economic League Table 2023 by The Centre for Economics and Business Research 26 December 2022 Highlights of the Report: We expect world GDP will continue to recover. We estimate that it will amount to $102 trillion for 2022 as a whole and will roughly double to $206 trillion in 2037.

By Nick Beams A report issued by the International Labour Organisation has blown apart the claims by capitalist governments and central bankers around the world that interest rate hikes, now threatening to drive significant areas of the world economy into recession, are necessary to “fight inflation” by suppressing wage demands. The ILO’s

Re-published below is an article by Marxist economist Michael Roberts on what he calls the Long Depression. His book titled the same is a must read. Roberts' article was originally published in his blog on 13 March 2022 One of my basic theses about modern capitalism is that since 2008, the